Writer/Literary Resume Template - General
Writer/Literary Resume Template - General
Are you applying for funding for your next writing project? Or applying to participate in an upcoming literary project and need to include a resume/ CV? Three Hive has the perfect template with key tips to help you create your own Resume document in Word.
Make sure you highlight all the fantastic #writerlife things you've done with the Three Hive Writer/ Literary Resume template!
* Template is 2 pages total*
Note: To follow the exact layout used in our template:
1. Purchase this item
2. Create your Canva account (if you don't have one already)
Sign up at www.canva.com. Free to sign up. This template is accessible and editable via the 'Free' account type
3. Send us an email to receive the template link - which you will be able to edit with your own details. We will send you the template link within 24 hours.
Email: hibiscusthree@gmail.com